Testimonials - Local Tree Service Marketing

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What Clients Say


I've been working with Julian and his team for the past three or so years and they have done tremendous work for my company.

Gregory, Client


My business has grown tremendously. The lead generation, the client appointments, it's been not only a great experience but it has been measurable & predictable.

Tomas, Client


Julian and his team have been great at providing us leads that we need that has turned into a great business relationship.

Stacie, Client


Julian has been a tremendous asset in helping us understand ways to grow and prove that were growing our revenue across indirect and our direct channels

Pete, Client


Has always delivered tremendous value in terms of demand generation, lead gen. Sophisticated understanding of the digital marketing space and how to drive leads.

Lev, Client


If you're looking for lead gen, there is no one better in the business. I've had a lot of success with the team across a few different organizations.

Jeff, Client


The lead generation has been cost-effective, it has been professional and we have had great conversion from them.

Parham, Client


After 6 months of working with them we captured about 38-42% of the market and saw my revenues increase by over about 300%!

Dan, Client


They care about their clients, they care about results, they're very results-oriented & results driven. They turn marketing into tangible result!

Dustin, Client

Our Clients' Results Are Our #1 Priority

testimonial quote Ryan Warner

Ryan Warner

"Local Tree Service Marketing has been fantastic to work with. You and your team's understanding of this business is incredibly helpful. I would say you take the guesswork out of marketing. What we've realized through working with you and your team is that you can quantify marketing returns. I can look and see I'm spending this dollar and I'm getting this in return for it. So again, as I mentioned earlier, you take that guesswork out of doing marketing! The Local Tree Service Marketing team are on the cutting edge of digital marketing and have given us guidance along the way...you've introduced new things to us that are cutting-edge. That has helped keep our company on the forefront of some of these marketing efforts."

testimonial quote jeff

Jeff Fraleigh
Senior VP, Global Sales & Marketing

"If you’re looking for lead gen, there is no one better in the business. I’ve had a lot of success with the team across a few different organizations."

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Lev Lesokhin

"Has always delivered tremendous value in terms of demand generation, lead gen. Sophisticated understanding of the digital marketing space and how to drive leads."

testimonial quote Ryan Warner

Ryan Warner

"We have seen a 39% increase in overall revenue.  I attribute this to your firm’s efforts as well as the Google positioning."

testimonial quote tomas

Tomas Caquias

"My business has grown tremendously. The lead generation, the client appointments, it’s been not only a great experience but it has been measurable & predictable."

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Arik Benari

"Best online marketing team on the east coast."

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Todd M. Grant
Vice President of Marketing

"825% Increase in leads in under 120 days!"

testimonial quote stacie

Stacie Getgood

"Julian and his team have been great at providing us leads that we need that has turned into a great business relationship."

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Craig Rovere
VP Marketing

"Almost $500K in New Business From the First Campaign!"

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Dan Stockmann

"Helped to change my business and increase profits!"

testimonial quote dustin

Dustin Miller

"They care about their clients, they care about results, they’re very results-oriented & results driven. They turn marketing into tangible result!"

testimonial quote pete

Pete Pizzutillo
Head Of International Sales

"Julian has been a tremendous asset in helping us understand ways to grow and prove that were growing our revenue across indirect and our direct channels."

testimonial quote gregory

Gregory Reid

"I’ve been working with Julian and his team for the past three or so years and they have done tremendous work for my company."

testimonial quote parham

Parham Zar

"The lead generation has been cost-effective, it has been professional and we have had great conversion from them."